Purgers of the Crystal Watchers


Purgers of the Crystal Watchers is a third person arena combat game where you fight together against the Crystal Watchers.
We made for a one of our school assignments where we were free to make anything we wanted.
Our team worked together with a few very talented audio designers/engineers who call themselves Sinusaur.
The scope of this project was unfortunately way too big due to our excitement during conceptualization, because of this the first and only boss/level we made is still quite buggy


Intro cinematic I voice acted


Gallery below project information

Project Information

Done - Unfinished

- Reinier Maartense | Developer, Voice actor & Designer
- Bas De Koningh | Developer & Designer | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bas-de-koningh-b22955142/
- Anna Petit| Artist & Designer | https://www.linkedin.com/in/anna-petit-16b1a51a5/
- Stan van den Heuvel | Artist & Designer | https://www.linkedin.com/in/stan-van-den-heuvel-2a777b138/
- Jael van Rossum | Lead Designer
- Sinusaur | Sound & Music | https://www.facebook.com/sinusaur/


2,5 Months, averaging about 32 hours per week.

Things I learned:
- Deconstructing and fitting a large external asset to a game.
- Crunching, the last few weeks we spent at least 50 hours per week on the project.
- To be very careful with the scope of a project seeing as this one got way too big.

Things I am proud of:
- What we made in the relatively small amount of time available.
- The teamwork during this project went extremely well due to our open communication


Space Pests(Temporary Title)


Radioactive Ant